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Overview, preparation and application of iron oxide

2021-12-08 10:37:10  News

Iron oxide preparation method

There are wet and dry preparation methods. Wet-processed products have fine crystals, soft particles, easy to grind, and easy to use as pigments. Dry-process products have large crystals and hard particles, which are suitable for magnetic materials, polishing and abrasive materials.


Quickly react a certain amount of five percent ferrous sulfate solution with excess sodium hydroxide solution (the alkali excess is required to be 0.04~0.08g/mL), and air is blown into it at room temperature to make it all red-brown iron hydroxide The colloidal solution serves as the nucleus for the deposited iron oxide. Take the crystal nucleus as the carrier, ferrous sulfate as the medium, and pass in the air. At 75~85℃, in the presence of metallic iron, the ferrous sulfate reacts with oxygen in the air to form iron oxide (ie iron red) and deposits on the crystal nucleus , The sulfate radical in the solution reacts with the metallic iron to regenerate ferrous sulfate, and the ferrous sulfate is oxidized by air to continue to deposit iron red, so that the circulation to the end of the whole process will generate red iron oxide [4].

Dry method

Nitric acid reacts with iron to form ferrous nitrate, which is cooled and crystallized, dehydrated and dried. After grinding, it is calcined at 600-700°C for 8-10 hours, washed with water, dried, and pulverized to obtain iron oxide red product.

Iron oxide overview

Iron oxide Fe2O3 powder is an inorganic substance with a chemical formula of Fe2O3, which is a red or dark red amorphous powder. The relative density is 5 to 5.25, and the melting point is 1565°C (decomposes at the same time). There are two types: α type (positive magnetism) and γ type (diamagnetism). Insoluble in water, soluble in hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid, slightly soluble in nitric acid. Strong hiding power and tinting power, impervious to oil and water. It is stable in the atmosphere and sunlight, resistant to polluting gases, high temperature and alkali. The fineness of the products produced by the dry method is usually less than 1 micron. Stable to light, heat and air. Relatively stable to acids and alkalis. Strong tinting power. The refractive index is 3.042. The dry-process product of this product has coarse and hard crystal particles and is suitable for magnetic materials, polishing and abrasive materials. The wet-processed products have fine and soft crystal particles, which are suitable for coating and ink industries.

Iron oxide Fe2O3 powder application

Iron oxide Fe2O3 powder can be widely used for the coloring of artificial marble and colored cement. Its pigments include watercolor, paint, paint, rubber, and plastic colors, and can also be used in the magnetic material industry.

Magnetic material

Due to its special superparamagnetism, magnetic iron oxide particles have a wide range of fields, such as giant magnetoresistance, magnetic fluid and magnetic recording, soft magnetism, permanent magnet, magnetic refrigeration, giant magnetoresistance materials, magneto-optical devices and magnetic detectors. prospect. Video tapes usually use acicular iron or iron oxide magnetic ultrafine particles, and nano-iron oxide is a new type of magnetic recording material. Soft ferrites have been widely used in radio communications, radio and television, automatic control, aerospace navigation, radar navigation, measuring instruments, computers, printing, household appliances, and biomedical fields.

Pigment field

Iron oxide Fe2O3 powder is widely used as a pigment for high-end automotive coatings, architectural coatings, anti-corrosion coatings and powder coatings. It is a good environmentally friendly coating. The annual consumption of iron oxide pigments in the world exceeds 1 million tons, which is second only to titanium dioxide and ranks among inorganic pigments. second. Iron oxide is used as a pigment, which not only maintains the good heat resistance, weather resistance and ultraviolet absorption of ordinary inorganic pigments, but also can be well dispersed in the oily carrier. The paint or ink prepared with it has satisfactory transparency. Due to its high conductivity, the coating made of iron oxide with semiconductor properties can play a role in electrostatic shielding.

Iron oxide Fe2O3 powder is a commonly used colorant in glass production. Iron oxide colored glass can absorb both ultraviolet and infrared, so it is widely used in the manufacture of heat-absorbing glass, sunglasses glass, industrial protective glass and military anti-infrared coatings. At the same time, it has the function of low price, heat absorption and UV protection

In addition, iron oxide pigments are also widely used as colorants and protective agents for wood coatings abroad. Replacing traditional pigments with transparent iron oxide pigments can retain the transparent wood grain of the wood, and its high light resistance makes the color of the furniture lasting. Ultraviolet rays under the sun will decompose wood lignin, destroy the cell structure, and cause wood aging. Nano iron oxide pigments, due to their small particles and uniform distribution, will not scatter light and absorb ultraviolet rays, so they can protect wood.


Fe2O3 powder particles have a huge specific surface area and significant surface effect, making it a good catalyst. Due to the small size of iron oxide particles, the surface area occupies a larger volume percentage, the bonding and electronic state of the surface are different from the bonding, and the electronic state inside the particle and the coordination of surface atoms are different, which leads to an increase in the surface active sites of iron oxide. The catalyst made of nano α-Fe2O3 particles has higher activity and selectivity than ordinary catalysts, has a long life, and is easy to operate. Nano α-Fe2O3 has been directly used as a catalyst for the oxidation, reduction and synthesis of high molecular polymers. When used in petroleum refining, it can increase the cracking speed by 1-5 times. Using it as a solid combustion catalyst can make the burning speed faster. The combustion speed of ordinary combustion aids is increased by 1 to 10 times, which is very beneficial to the manufacture of high-performance rockets and missiles.

Biomedicine and other fields

Nano iron oxide plays an important role in this field

Iron oxide Fe2O3 powder price

The price of iron oxide iron oxide powder will vary with random factors such as production cost of iron oxide iron oxide powder, transportation cost, international situation and market supply and demand for iron oxide iron oxide powder. Tanki New Materials Co., Ltd. aims to help various industries and chemical wholesalers find high-quality, low-cost nanomaterials and chemicals by providing a full set of customized services. If you are looking for iron oxide Fe2O3 powder, please feel free to send an inquiry to get the latest price of iron oxide Fe2O3 powder.

Suppliers of iron oxide Fe2O3 powder

As a global supplier of iron oxide Fe2O3 powder, Tanki New Materials Co., Ltd. has extensive experience in the performance, application and cost-effective manufacturing of advanced engineering materials. The company has successfully developed a series of powder materials (including boron carbide, aluminum carbide, titanium carbide, etc.), high-purity targets, functional ceramics and structural devices, and provides OEM services.

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