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The graphene industry is gaining momentum.

2022-03-30 17:07:41  News

At present, there are opinions that the continued popularity of graphene in China is a bit too much. According to Zhao Meng, deputy secretary general of the China International Graphene Industry Resources Alliance, the market determines whether graphene continues to be "hot" or "hot". "Fever reduction". He believes that from the market point of view, China's graphene industry is far from "hot" to "fever reduction" and should continue to be "hot".

Graphene is an allotrope of carbon in the form of a single layer of atoms in a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice, where each vertex forms an atom. It is the basic structural element of other allotropes, including graphite, charcoal, carbon nanotubes and fullerenes.

The graphene industry is gaining momentum.

China Economic Times: It is reported that the country attaches great importance to the graphene industry. In 2014, President Xi Jinping visited Jiangsu Graphene Materials Research Institute, in 2015 he visited the Graphene Research Institute of the University of Manchester in the UK, and visited the 2016 Harbin Science and Technology Exhibition of Graphene. What is the current overall level of China's graphene industry?

At present, my country's graphene industry is already in a leading position, showing a pattern of innovative competition among thousands of enterprises. According to the latest statistics of the graphene industry in-depth market research and strategic planning analysis report released by the Qianzhan Industry Research Institute, China's graphene market is expected to reach 56 billion yuan in 2019 and 236.5 billion yuan in 2022.

Three weaknesses need to be overcome.

China Economic Times: In your opinion, what are the shortcomings of China's graphene industry that need to be overcome?

Zhao Meng: There are still many shortcomings in the development of my country's graphene industry, and we should focus on the following three aspects.

One is the imbalance of resources. For example, China's Yangtze River Delta, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region have advantages in talents, technology, and capital. The technology upgrades quickly, but the environmental capacity is small, and there are fewer graphite resources that can be developed. The three northeastern provinces, Sichuan and Chongqing, and the central and western regions have the advantages of large environmental capacity and rich graphite, but lack talents, technology and funds. How to guide the division of labor and cooperation from the national level and optimize the allocation of resources, the industrial layout remains to be studied.

Second, there is little international cooperation. In recent years, there have been more and more domestic exhibitions and forums at different levels, and some regions or enterprises have introduced talents and technologies. However, the speed and efficiency of promotion are not fast enough, and the scope and level of cooperation need to be improved. Particular attention should be paid to the cultivation, exchange and cooperation of international talents.

Third, industry standards are lagging behind. It is necessary to promote the formulation of national standards as well as the formulation of international standards and strive for the right to speak.

Graphene overview

Graphene is a new type of material in which carbon atoms connected by sp² hybrids are closely packed into a single-layer two-dimensional honeycomb lattice structure. Graphene has excellent optical, electrical and mechanical properties, and has important application prospects in materials science, micro-nano processing, energy, biomedicine, and drug delivery, and is considered a revolutionary material in the future.

Graphene applications

With the gradual breakthrough of mass production and large-size issues, the pace of industrial application of graphene is accelerating. Based on existing research results, the first commercial applications may be mobile devices, aerospace, and new energy. Battery field.

Graphene has special significance for basic research in physics. It achieves some quantum effects that can only be proved theoretically and can be verified by experiments. In two-dimensional graphene, the mass of electrons does not seem to exist. This property makes graphene a rare condensed matter that can be used to study relativistic quantum mechanics-because massless particles must move at the speed of light, which must be described by relativistic quantum mechanics, which provides theoretical physicists with a New research direction: Some experiments that originally needed to be carried out in giant particle accelerators can now be carried out with graphene in small laboratories.

Zero energy gap semiconductors are mainly single-layer graphene, and this electronic structure will seriously affect the role of gas molecules on its surface. The effect of single-layer graphene on increasing the surface reactivity of bulk graphite is due to the results of the hydrogenation and oxidation reactions of graphene indicating that the electronic structure of graphene can adjust its surface activity. In addition, the electronic structure of graphene can be induced by the adsorption of gas molecules to change accordingly, which not only affects the change in carrier concentration, but also can be doped with different graphenes at the same time.

Graphene can be made into a chemical sensor, and this process is mainly done through the surface adsorption properties of graphene. According to the research of some scholars, the sensitivity of the graphene chemical detector can be compared with the limit of single molecule detection. The uniqueness of graphene is that its two-dimensional structure makes it very sensitive to the surrounding environment. Graphene is an ideal material for electrochemical biosensors. Sensors made of graphene have good sensitivity in detecting dopamine, glucose, etc. in medicine.

Graphene can be used to make transistors. Due to the high stability of the graphene structure, this transistor can still work stably on a scale close to a single atom. In contrast, current silicon-based transistors will lose scale stability at around 10 nanometers. The ultra-fast reaction speed of the electrons in graphene to the external field allows transistors made with it to reach extremely high operating frequencies. For example, IBM announced in February 2010 that the operating frequency of graphene transistors had been increased to 100 GHz, which exceeded the same Size silicon transistors.

The research and application development of graphene are heating up. Graphene and graphene-related materials are widely used in battery electrode materials, semiconductor devices, transparent displays, sensors, capacitors, transistors, etc. In view of the excellent properties of graphene materials and their potential application value, a series of important progress has been made in chemistry, materials, physics, biology, environment, energy and other disciplines. Researchers are committed to trying different methods in different fields to prepare high-quality, large-area graphene materials. And through the continuous optimization and improvement of the graphene preparation process, the cost of graphene preparation is reduced, so that its excellent material properties can be used more widely, and it will gradually move toward industrialization.

Graphene is expected to become a new generation of devices in many applications. In order to explore the wider application fields of graphene, it is necessary to continue to seek better graphene preparation processes for better applications. It has only been confirmed to exist for more than ten years until today, but it has become a hot spot for scholars this year. Its excellent optical, electrical, mechanical and thermal properties have prompted researchers to continue to study it. With the continuous development of graphene preparation methods, graphene will be more widely used in various fields in the near future.

Graphene price

China also has unique advantages in graphene research. From a production perspective, graphite, which is a raw material for graphene production, has abundant reserves and low prices in my country. It is precisely seeing the application prospects of graphene that many countries have established the application prospects of graphene. The graphene-related technology research and development center is trying to commercialize graphene, and then obtain potential application patents in industry, technology, and electronics-related fields. For example, the European Commission has set up a special R&D program for graphene as a "Future Emerging Flagship Technology Project" and will allocate 1 billion euros in the next 10 years. The British government has also invested in the establishment of the National Graphene Institute (NGI), with a view to bringing this material from the laboratory to the production line and market in the next few decades.

The price of graphene varies randomly with factors such as production costs, transportation costs, international conditions, exchange rates, and market supply and demand of few-layer graphene. Tanki New Materials Co. Ltd aims to help various industries and chemical wholesalers find quality products by providing a full range of products. If you are looking for graphene products, please contact us for the latest prices.

Graphene suppliers

As a global graphene supplier, Tanki New Materials Co.,Ltd. has extensive experience in the performance, application and cost-effective manufacturing of advanced engineering materials. The company has successfully developed a series of powder materials (including oxides, carbides, nitrides, single metals, etc.) high-purity targets, functional ceramics and structural devices, and provides OEM services.

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