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What are the uses and application areas of beryllium?

2021-12-31 08:59:14  News

Beryllium is used in high-tech fields. Beryllium is a material with relatively special properties. Some of its properties, especially nuclear properties and physical properties, cannot be replaced by any other metal material. The application scope of beryllium is mainly concentrated in the nuclear industry, weapon systems, aerospace industry, X-ray instrumentation, electronic information systems, automotive industry, household appliances and other fields. With the gradual deepening of research, the scope of its application is still expanding.

What are the uses and application areas of beryllium?

At present, the application of plating and its products are mainly metal beryllium, beryllium alloys, oxide plating and certain beryllium compounds.

Overview of beryllium nitride Be3N2 powder

Beryllium nitride Be3N2 is a self-color crystal with a body-centered cubic structure. Melting point is 2200±100℃, decomposing at 2240℃. Insoluble in ethanol. The crystal lattice melts and decomposes in a vacuum and is easily decomposed by water. Under the action of acid or alkali, it accelerates decomposition and releases ammonia. Ammonia reacts directly with metal to prepare high-temperature refractory materials and special ceramic materials for Sichuan parts. Metal beryllium is prepared by heating in an ammonia gas stream, with simple reaction and high yield.

Metal beryllium is prepared by heating in an ammonia gas stream, with easy reaction and high yield.

Application of beryllium nitride Be3N2 powder

Beryllium nitride Be3N2 powder is used in refractory ceramics and nuclear reactors, and produces radiocarbon 14, which is used for tracing applications.

Beryllium nitride Be3N2 powder is used in the production of refractory ceramics, nuclear reactors and radiocarbon for tracing applications14.

The beryllium nitride Be3N2 powder reacts with inorganic acid to generate ammonia and the corresponding acid salt:

Be3n2 + 6 HCl→3 BeCl2 + 2 NH3

In a strong alkaline solution, beryllium salt is formed with the precipitation of ammonia:

Be3n2 + 6NaOH→3Na2BeO2 + 2NH3

Acid and alkali react violently. However, the reaction with water is very slow:

3N2 + 6H2O→3Be(OH)2 + 2NH3

May react violently with oxidants. It will be oxidized when heated to 600°C in air

Beryllium nitride Be3N2 powder price

The price of beryllium nitride Be3N2 will vary with random factors such as production cost of beryllium nitride Be3N2, transportation cost, international situation, and supply and demand for beryllium nitride Be3N2 market. Tanki New Materials Co., Ltd. aims to help various industries and chemical wholesalers find high-quality, low-cost nanomaterials and chemicals by providing a full set of customized services. If you are looking for beryllium nitride Be3N2 products, please feel free to send an inquiry to get the latest price of beryllium nitride Be3N2 products.

Beryllium nitride Be3N2 supplier

As a global supplier of beryllium nitride Be3N2 powder, Tanki New Materials Co., Ltd. has extensive experience in the performance, application and cost-effective manufacturing of advanced engineering materials. The company has successfully developed a series of powder materials (molybdenum disilicide, nitrogen lanthanum powder, calcium silicide, iron boride), high-purity targets, functional ceramics and structural devices, and provides OEM services.

Beryllium Nitride Be3N2 Powder Properties
Other NamesTriberyllium nitride, Beryllium Nitride, Be3N2 Powder
CAS No.1304-54-7
Compound FormulaBe3N2
Molecular Weight55.0499
Appearanceyellow or white powder
Melting Point2200 °C
Solubility in waterN/A
Density2.71 g/cm3
Particle Size-100 mesh
Boling point2240 °C (decomposes)
Specific HeatN/A
Thermal ConductivityN/A
Thermal ExpansionN/A
Young's ModulusN/A
Exact MassN/A
Monoisotopic MassN/A

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