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What is the use of selenium powder?

2021-12-27 09:26:01  News

Selenium powder Se powder overview

Selenium powder (Selenium), chemical formula Se, black-gray non-metal, soluble in concentrated sulfuric acid and chloroform, slightly soluble in carbon disulfide, toxic, insoluble in water and ethanol.

What is the use of selenium powder?

Selenium powder is usually in powder or granular form, with pure appearance, consistent color, purity up to 99.99%, no impurities such as soil, stable composition, and uniform moisture.

Selenium is a rare element, and there is no independent selenium production plant in the world. Generally, selenium is associated with the electrolysis of copper and nickel, which is present in the electrolytic anode mud. There are many methods for recovering and purifying selenium and tellurium from copper electrolysis anode mud: caustic oxidative pressure leaching, oxidative roasting and high temperature leaching, low temperature oxidative roasting, dilute sulfuric acid leaching, etc. The reduction of selenium and tellurium mostly adopts sulfur dioxide reduction and copper reduction. method. Due to the pre-roasting and oxidation method, the equipment is more complicated and the maintenance cost of power equipment is high, the sulfur dioxide gas is more harmful to the human body and the environment, and the recovery rate and purity of selenium and tellurium. Using H2O2 as the oxidant, oxidize selenium and tellurium in a weak acid solution, adjust the pH to separate selenium and tellurium after solid-liquid separation, and reduce selenium and tellurium with Na2SO3 under hydrochloric acid acidification. The recovery rates of selenium and tellurium are 99% and 98%, respectively. , The purity can reach 99%.

In industry, selenium powder is mainly obtained from anode slime separated from copper or lead electrolysis. The roasted anode slime is processed to obtain selenium dioxide selenium powder: [R treatment, then selenium is obtained. In the sulfur dioxide reduction method, a selenium dioxide aqueous solution (Selenite solution, 130g/L Selenite) with a concentration of 170g/L is stirred into sulfur dioxide gas washed with water and dilute sulfuric acid, and the reduction reaction is carried out. Stir fully at 75°C Take it out. Hexagonal crystalline black fine selenium powder of more than 200 microns can be obtained.

Applied selenium powder Se powder 

Since the 20th century, the use of selenium powder Se has become more and more widespread, especially in semiconductor equipment, optoelectronic equipment, selenium solar cells, laser devices, lasers and infrared photoconductive materials. Selenium is a typical photosensitive semiconductor material used to develop new technologies in optoelectronic applications. Used to make selenium photocells and selenium rectifiers. In the development of new materials, adding a small amount of selenium can improve the machinability of carbon steel, stainless steel and copper alloys. Mainly used in the production of selenium dioxide as a catalyst for electrolytic manganese smelting, and others used in rectifiers, photographic exposure agents, petrochemical working catalysts, photocopy toner cartridges, selenium photosensitive plates, alloys, feed, and pigments in plastics, paints, enamels and glass , Medical and healthcare industries.

Selenium powder Se powder is used as a colorant and decolorizer: Selenium powder is a good colorant and decolorizer, it makes the purple or red light in the glass. Selenium powder colored glass is very sensitive to melting conditions, and its coloring stability and coloring amount are greatly affected by its own properties, glass composition and the content of certain oxides introduced, compound composition and water, melting temperature and other factors.

Selenium powder Se selenium powder can improve the combustion accuracy of silicon powder: Some studies have shown that selenium powder can improve the combustion accuracy of silicon powder. In the mixture, selenium powder first begins to endothermic and melts at the melting point temperature, and then oxidizes, which has a deoxidizing effect. Its comprehensive effects such as heat absorption, deoxidation, covering, penetration, and filling will change the working conditions of the original pharmaceutical system.

Selenium powder Se powder is used as an analytical reagent, for example as a catalyst. It is also used as a dehydrogenation agent for aromatic compounds, used in the preparation of selenium organic compounds, in the manufacture of electronic and optical instruments, and high-purity selenium used in the epitaxial diffusion process in semiconductor production.

High-purity selenium powder Se powder is used to prepare ZnSe and other compound semiconductors, and to prepare materials for toner cartridges, such as electrostatic copier powder and various metal selenides, and so on.

Selenium powder Se powder can also be used in the preparation of high-purity materials such as selenium rectifiers, photocells, photocells, radio communications, infrared photons, xerographic powders, photography, metallurgy, etc.

Selenium powder Se price

The price of selenium powder Se will vary randomly according to supply and demand factors such as production cost, transportation cost, international situation, and exchange rate. Tanki New Materials Co., Ltd. aims to provide a full set of customized services to help various industries and chemical wholesalers find high-quality, low-cost nanomaterials and chemical products. If you are looking for selenium powder, please feel free to send an inquiry to get the latest price of selenium powder.

Selenium powder Se powder supplier

As a global selenium Se powder supplier, Tanki New Materials Co., Ltd. has extensive experience in the performance, application and cost-effective manufacturing of advanced engineering materials. The company has successfully developed a series of powder materials (including oxides, carbides, nitrides, single metals, etc.), high-purity targets, functional ceramics, structural devices, and can provide OEM services.

More information about Selenium powder Se powder

Selenium Powder Properties (Theoretical)

Molecular Weight



Gray to black solid

Melting Point

217 °C

Boiling Point

684.9 °C


4.79 g/cm3

Solubility in H2O


Electrical Resistivity

106 microhm-cm @ 0 °C


2.4 Paulings

Heat of Fusion

1.22 Cal/gm mole

Heat of Vaporization

3.34 K-cal/gm atom at 684.9 °C

Poisson's Ratio


Specific Heat

0.767 Cal/g/K @ 25 °C

Tensile Strength


Thermal Conductivity

0.00519 W/cm/K @ 298.2 K

Thermal Expansion

(25 °C) (amorphous) 37 µm·m-1·K-1

Vickers Hardness


Young's Modulus

10 GPa

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