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Principles of foam generator technology

2021-12-02 09:11:49  News

What is a foam generator?

Regardless of the foam generator, the basic principle of foaming is to introduce air into the foaming agent solution. Various changes are different in the way of introducing gas, so the effect is also different.

There are two necessary factors for the formation of foam, one is the foaming agent solution, and the other is air. Both are indispensable. If there is no blowing agent solution, the liquid film around the gas will not form, and no bubbles will be generated. And without gas, the blowing agent solution alone cannot form bubbles.

The principle and type of foam generator technology

In the bubble formation system, the blowing agent solution is the dispersion medium, the gas is the dispersed phase, and the gas is dispersed in the liquid to form bubbles, and then countless bubbles form bubbles. In addition to the important factor of blowing agent performance, the introduction of gas into the blowing agent solution is also another important factor. The principle of the foam generator is to introduce gas into the liquid, that is, the foam generator uses a certain method to introduce the gas into the liquid. Different foaming machines have different methods of introducing gas. Generally speaking, there are several ways to introduce gas into the foaming machine:

(1) Slowly rotating blades introduce gas. This is a method of directly injecting gas into the mortar (or concrete slurry) mixed with cement foaming agent. When the mixer blades push the slurry, air enters the slurry through the mixer blades. In addition, a large amount of air is wrapped in the slurry when the slurry is turned over, and a part of the air is carried into the slurry by the cement and aggregate. The sum of the three is the total amount of air entering the slurry. Among them, the air brought into the slurry by the stirring blades and the air wrapped by the rotating blades occupy the main body.

After the air enters the slurry, the liquid containing the foaming agent surfactant surrounds the air, forming a double-electron layer liquid film at the gas-liquid interface, and finally forms bubbles in the slurry in the form of air-in the liquid.

Due to the slow speed of the blades, less gas is introduced in this way, the amount of bubbles generated is small, the foaming effect is not good, and the efficiency is low.

(2) High-speed rotating blades introduce gas. This is a method that relies on high-speed rotating blades to introduce gas into the blowing agent solution. The introduction of gas mainly depends on the force of the rotating blades. This type of blade generally requires high-speed rotation, the speed should be> 700 rpm, generally between 700 and 1400 r/min, and the peripheral speed of the impeller end should be> 20 m/s to obtain satisfactory results. A certain high speed can expose the impeller to liquid , Contact with air, and introduce air. If the speed is too low, the impeller will not be exposed to the liquid, and the amount of bleed air will be very low. The proper speed should be lower than the speed at which the impeller is exposed when the liquid rotates.

(3) Use pressure to introduce gas. This is currently the most commonly used advanced aerated foaming method at home and abroad. It is also a more scientific method of entraining air. It is the core of high-pressure and medium-pressure foam generator technology for foamed concrete.

The above two methods are slow and uneven, and the bubble diameter is large, especially the bubble diameter cannot be controlled. It completely depends on the randomness of the foaming machine, and cannot guarantee small bubble diameter and uniform foaming. The most critical technical indicators. At the same time, the amount of foaming is difficult to control.

In order to effectively solve the above problems, the entrainment foaming method came into being. Whether in terms of foaming volume, foaming speed, foaming diameter, foaming uniformity, etc., they have reached a new level and made great technological progress. The main principle is to use various equipment that can generate air pressure to press air into the liquid phase to achieve uniform mixing of the two phases. Under normal pressure, it is difficult for air to enter the liquid, but under certain pressure, it becomes easier. This pressure not only presses the gas into the liquid, but also presses the liquid into the gas. In fact, it applies pressure at the same time. In this way, the two-phase mixing will be fast, efficient, uniform, with fine bubbles, and meet the ideal foam technical requirements.

Overview of the portable foam generator

TR-FG-6 portable foam generator developed by our company. It can be used in laboratories, small-scale foam concrete cast-in-situ projects, and foam concrete product pilot lines. Foam generator is the core equipment of foam concrete products, and it has a significant influence on the quality of foam concrete. An excellent concrete foam generator not only has a high foam output, but more importantly, the quality of the foam produced is very good. The outstanding advantages of TR-FG-6 portable foam generator are low foam water content, high foam uniformity and large foam output.

Portable foam generator application

(1) The foam produced is uniform, which is beneficial to improve the strength and thermal insulation performance of the foam concrete. The foam is uniform, the foam is not easy to break in the slurry, the amount of foam is small, and the high closed cell rate can be formed. The foam is evenly distributed in the mud, which can increase the strength of the foamed concrete;

(2) Low foam density. The TR-FG-6 portable foam generator has low foam density and saves foaming agent. In the case of the same foaming agent dilution ratio, the foam thickness produced by this machine is 20-40 g/L, and different foaming agents have different dilution ratios;

(3) The operation is simple, the failure rate is low, precision parts are selected, the use of wearing parts is reduced, the failure rate is lower, the service life is longer, and one-button control is realized.

Portable foam generator price

The price of portable foam generators varies randomly with production costs, transportation costs, international conditions, market supply and demand. Tanki New Materials Co., Ltd. aims to help various industries and chemical wholesalers find high-quality, low-quality products by providing a full set of customized services. Cost of nanomaterials and chemicals. If you are looking for a portable foam generator, please feel free to send an inquiry to get the latest information about the portable foam generator.

Portable foam generator suppliers

As a global portable foam generator supplier, Tanki New Materials Co., Ltd. has extensive experience in the performance, application and cost-effective manufacturing of advanced engineering materials. The company has successfully developed a series of powder materials (molybdenum disilicide, nitrogen lanthanum powder, calcium silicide, iron boride), high-purity targets, functional ceramics and structural devices, and provides OEM services.

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